Friday, November 28, 2008

Messed up the placing of the photo's a bit. Well nevermind!

Toy Run 2008

28 November 2008

Ed and I are going on the 2008 Toy Run on Sunday 30th Nov. This will be our third Toy Run on our Harley. Last year we went with Karen and Andreas. Ed and Pat on the left, Andreas and Karen on the right. Watch this space for the 2008 pics. Still have to rush out and buy toys to take on the Harley!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I have completed my first bear! This little mini bear is probably the most imperfect creature ever made but he was made with such tender loving care and such patience! He looks nothing like the picture on the kit. Well now I have experienced some of the pitfalls of mini bear making and the most difficult aspects are the attachment of the ears and the footpads. I also learnt that with these tiny creations, every stitch counts and if one stitch is out of place it can change the shape of that particular part of the bear
Instead of being disheartened by the difficulties, I am so fired up to try another bear. So I am rushing off to the Post Office to collect my next kit.
I am totally in awe of all the bear artists throughout the world.

This is Jemima. She is the most affectionate and loving little animal and very, very sociable. Without fail, every evening she starts a game of hide and seek with me and shouts at me if I try to ignore her.
Although I am her mommy, she knows that Eddie is her protector and whenever there is a sound which frightens her, she rushes to Ed and sits behind his legs. She then knows that she is safe.
About teddies and kind spirits ...

Last night Eddie was working late, we had a power cut at home and I was trying very hard to complete a the arm of my mini bear. Then - disaster! My needle threader broke and in the failing light I couldn't even see the needle, let alone the eye of the needle. As a child, whenever I was doing a craft for a school project, my father used to thread my needle for me. So ... I called upon him, even though he has been gone for 19 years. The thread slid through the eye of the needle. This happened not once, but twice and I was able to complete my teddies arm. Thanks Dad.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

20 November 2008

I have ordered my Steiff bear and am waiting for prices for another kit.
Three weeks and one day to go to Australian departure. Tickets, visa's, presents and clothes are all ready - only packing left!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

19 November 2008 - Wednesday

I am so nervous - I am about to order my very first Steiff teddy. It's almost like signing adoption papers! In recent weeks my love for the ever faithful teddy has grown in leaps and bounds and I find myself daydreaming about my next acquisition.