Thursday, January 14, 2010

The family has returned to Australia, Christmas and New Festivities are done and dusted and I'm back at work too. Last weekend I cleaned and cleared my teddy bear workroom and added the new items I received as presents. I have a very talented artist friend, Karen, who gave me the painting of the hat for my workroom. I asked her to do it for me but when I opened my Christmas gift, not only had she given me the hat painting but had done the two paintings of the teddy bears for me as well. What a labour of love! Many years ago my mother had said that if I cannot afford original paintings in my home then leave the walls bear. I have always lived by this and I have a wonderful collection of art - paintings and ceramics - given to me by extremely artistic friends and a few items which I purchased myself. I am absolutely thrilled with my teddy paintings and will treasure them forever.

The creative juices are flowing - I am completing a project started very late last year and I have cut out a new bear. And my imagination is running wild! I can't wait to see how my bear will appear. The festive season was marvelous but I was soooooo eager to start creating again.


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Pat,

Glad that the family were all out from Australia and must have been lovely having them there.
I love your Artwork ~ how pretty and will look great up on your walls.

Wishing you all the very best for 2010.


Karen said...

Am so pleased that your presents are so well loved. Made with lots and lots of love as you well know.
Love - me