Friday, February 27, 2009


I have been tagged by Kelly of Yesterdays Glitter.

( I have no idea how to "link"!!)

Five things about myself -

1. I am in the process of growing out all the dark brown colour in my hair so that I can be completely grey and then die my hair platinum blonde.

2. I am terrified of any creature with feathers. I have had this phobia since I was born. My earliest memory was of me sitting in a pushchair under a tree with a nest and being so afraid of that nest.

3. I was a single mom for 16 years. My two girls and I had enormous fun.

4. Although I work in the corporate world, I am a dreamer at heart and I love art in any form.

5. I hate driving a car.

Rules of tagging:

1. Link the person who tagged you

2. Post these Rules in your Blog

3. Write 5 random things about yours.

I now tag Wendy Chamberlain, The Paper Daisy Company and Laughter and tears - Karens world

1 comment:

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Pat,

Good to find out more about you, always fun to have someone tag you.

Enjoy your weekend